Raspberry Pi B+ Kali Linux ARM Boot Fixes

These fixes should work when trying to boot on the Model B & B+ Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi Firmware


  1. Grab the Kali Pi Image
  2. Grab the Raspberry Pi Firmware
  3. dd (dd if=kali-pi.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k) the Kali image to 8GB+ SD card
  4. Copy start.elf, start_x.elf & start_cd.elf to the root directrory of the SD card (choose to replace any exsisting files)
  5. Boot your Pi (root/toor)


  1. Grab the PwnPi Image
  2. Download the Raspberry Pi Firmware
  3. dd (dd if=PwnPi-pi.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k) the PwnPi image to 8GB+ SD card
  4. Copy all files in the boot folder to the root directrory of the SD card (choose to replace any exsisting files)
  5. Boot your Pi (root/toor)